terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010

licença maternidade

Hello Everybody !

Não tenho postado redações ultimamente pois estou em licença maternidade.

Espero, um dia, voltar a utilizar esse espaço...

Obrigada a todos da Brasil Station e aos meus alunos...

Um comentário:

  1. Vicky, congratulations!!! I just happened to come across your blog, after more than a year since the last time we were in touch, and read you are in maternity leave! How sweet and how happy I am for you, really wish you a healthy and happy baby. Please post his/her photos when you have it.
    I am back in Zurich since early May. My husband and I were repatriated this year but I miss NYC a great deal.
    Stay in touch, would love to hear from you.
    Best, Oriana
